Tag: Star Trek Deep Space Nine
Discovery’s “Point of Light,” Klingon culture and “Ideal Theory,” New Visions for “Reproduction,” and “Commoning” as Future Utopia (Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” Part III)
In Star Trek: Discovery’s “Point of Light” (2019), L’Rell is confronted with a Klingon house that wishes to return to the old ways of Klingons warring with Klingons, or, to...
Expansion of Utopian Struggle in the Motif of Entering a Room/Space(s) for Continuity
To quote Kim Stanley Robinson “utopia has gone from being a somewhat minor literary problem to a necessary survival strategy” (as quoted in “Guns Under the Table: Kim Stanley Robinson...
“Extreme Risk” and “Invasive Procedures” as Symbols of Capitalist Internalization
What we have learned living in the capitalist society is that those who suffer the most as a consequence of global capitalism are equally locked out of securing relief. I...
Father Figures in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Babylon 5 and the Knowing of Our Shared Responsibilities
Avery Brooks said on a number of occasions that he accepted the role of Benjamin Sisko in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine because of the depiction of the ever-present father...
Eddington is Right When He States that Utopia Requires Assimilation
Michael Eddington is either loved or hated. Many (perhaps most) feel his betrayal of Starfleet as an agent for the Maquis was an emotive betrayal corresponding to matters deeply entrenched...
Avery Brooks and His Understanding of Sisko
In a 1986 Good Morning America interview promoting the prime time show, Spencer, Avery Brooks was asked about another role he was playing in Uncle Tom’s Cabin for Showtime. The...
The United Traits of Bajoran and Cardassian Resistance
The heart of the Bajoran resistance was to cripple, stun, defeat, and alienate any element present of the Cardassian occupation. When Captain Sisko orders Colonel Kira to assist Damar with...
Narrative Obtrusion and Difference in the Deep Space Nine episode “In the Pale Moonlight” and Enterprise’s “Damage”
There is a highly reasonable, shared pattern of reluctant leadership for Captain Sisko and Captain Archer between the Deep Space Nine episode “In the Pale Moonlight” (1998) and Enterprise’s “Damage”...
The holodeck, or holosuites, offer a grand rejection of reality. However, it is through that dismissal of the restraints of reality that we see the crews of Voyager and Deep...
Community and Found Family in Star Trek
PHLOX: When you invited me to join this crew, I thought it would be an interesting diversion for a few months. Some time away from the complications of family, which...