Tag: Klingon
The Conflict and Promises of Revisiting the Past and Seeing into the Future
I want to return to a previous post, “On Time Travel, the Subconscious Signature, and Market Capitalism” and the ethics of interpreting oneself with the present moment, detached from the...
Discovery’s “Point of Light,” Klingon culture and “Ideal Theory,” New Visions for “Reproduction,” and “Commoning” as Future Utopia (Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” Part III)
In Star Trek: Discovery’s “Point of Light” (2019), L’Rell is confronted with a Klingon house that wishes to return to the old ways of Klingons warring with Klingons, or, to...
Star Trek, Ecology, and Green SciFi
Imagine a Star Trek future where the Xindi-Avian species did not become extinct. The Xindi still went on to become Starfleet allies thanks to Captain Archer, and as seen in...