This website is now retired
This website will no longer be updated. I will still leave it online for the foreseeable future.
To those who have RSS for this site
Yes, I do see all the typos and errors. I notice them right after I click publish. I do correct them. You will not see those corrections when the posts...
“Spock’s Brain” and the Perpetuation of Sexist Control
Regular readers will have noted that though Star Trek is discussed often in this space, not once have I discussed The Original Series. I rarely watch it. There are a...
The Conflict and Promises of Revisiting the Past and Seeing into the Future
I want to return to a previous post, “On Time Travel, the Subconscious Signature, and Market Capitalism” and the ethics of interpreting oneself with the present moment, detached from the...
Discovery’s “Point of Light,” Klingon culture and “Ideal Theory,” New Visions for “Reproduction,” and “Commoning” as Future Utopia (Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” Part III)
In Star Trek: Discovery’s “Point of Light” (2019), L’Rell is confronted with a Klingon house that wishes to return to the old ways of Klingons warring with Klingons, or, to...
“I know what is written”: Babylon 5’s “Believers” (Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” Part II)
Just as Lieutenant Alara Kitan was successful in resisting the surrounding dominance of the realities of imposed Ideal Theory, there are occasions in which that resistance can be met with...
Lieutenant Alara Kitan and Ideal Leadership (Science Fiction and Charles W. Mills’s Critique of “Ideal Theory” Part I)
Charles W. Mills begins the wide-ranging discussion in his 2005 essay, “‘Ideal Theory’ as Ideology” by clarifying that feminist thinkers have expanded the larger discussion of ethics in rapid and...
Possible Model for Alternative Futurism: Responsibility to Leave (R2L)
Cross-posted Memo I have long been an advocate that we need to take care of Mother Earth before we become too overwhelmingly concerned with colonizing other planets. I have long...
Expansion of Utopian Struggle in the Motif of Entering a Room/Space(s) for Continuity
To quote Kim Stanley Robinson “utopia has gone from being a somewhat minor literary problem to a necessary survival strategy” (as quoted in “Guns Under the Table: Kim Stanley Robinson...
Battlestar Galactica at……Furman University?
I came across two classes that Furman offers in which they integrate Battlestar Galactica: Analyzing Historical American Speeches & Battlestar Galactica Learning Politics Through Battlestar Galactica Perhaps there is more...